Tuesday, 15 July 2014



  1. Hey Iris, I like your presentation about Koalas, I learned a lot about your presentation. I learned that the baby koalas never fall out of the pouch because their mother uses a strong muscle to keep them there. That the koalas pregnancy is only for 35 days, I also learned that when they are born they are only about 2 inch. Good job on your presentation.

  2. Hey Iris! I really like your presentation! I love how it is well organized! I learned a lot like how they have pouches like Kangaroos! Pregnancy for female Koalas are very fast;35 days only? Wow! Good presentation Iris and I enjoyed it!
    (Rachel D.) Ms. Lamanna

  3. Hi Iris, I think you did very good on your presentation. From your presentation I learned that Koalas are marsupials and that the females have a pouch. Mrs. Lamanna's class From: Sherryn

  4. Hi Iris, I really enjoyed your presentation. I always loved koalas and your presentation about them only made me love them more you gave so much details. i never knew a kola's pregnancy lasted for only 35 days, I also never knew that when a koala is born they are hairless,blind and they have't developed ears. Good job on your presentation i really enjoyed it -Becky (ms lamanna)

  5. Hi Iris,

    I really like your presentation about Koalas. I learned how they have pouches like Kangaroos, I also learned that when they born they are only about 2 inch.
    Your presentation is really good.( Ms. Lamanna)

  6. Hey Iris, I really like your presentation about koalas, I learned that koalas don't drink water that much.And when koalas reaches around 6 years there teeth will disappears and they will die of starvation. Good job I really enjoyed it. :)

    Mijjie (Ms. Lamanna)

  7. Hey Iris! I really like your presentation! I love how it is well organized! I learned a lot like how the baby spends 6 months in the pouch developing. I think you should have talked about what their height and the average weight they weigh

  8. Dear Iris
    I really liked your project . I learned that koalas are marsupials. A really neat fact is that koalas sleep up to 18 hours a day. Koalas live up to 18 years.
