Thursday, 3 July 2014




What your elbow partner, discuss how math is used to make everyday decisions. 


Go to the link below and practice using math to solve money questions


  1. I think summer camp is important because i can improve in math,English and all other sorts of subjects.Its also kind of annoying because then i cant play with my friends,and cant play video games.I also don't get to go to trips with my friends and have fun
    By Joshua Joseph

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  2. You study math because you have to learn to spend money. Fractions help you portion your food. Math helps you with different careers.

    Mary( Ms. Feeney)

  3. So you don't get the wrong answer
    Angela (Ms. Feeney)

  4. I saw this video so I need math for the future so that why we need math for the world. and to math is everywhere so math is the best thing I know some people that I know hate math.

  5. i think you should study math because you need to use it in life and you can lose alot of money in your job


  6. I think math is important because...
    -you need it in your daily life
    -it will help you in the future to be succeful
    -you need it to vote and to pay taxes
    -you need it for all the job for e.g. nurse,teacher,scientist and more
    By Bernadeth (Feeny)

  7. The reasons why we need math is because...
    - we need it for life situations e.g. having th eright amount of money if your buying something
    - also for jobs in the future like scientist, carpenters, contruction workers, etc
    Megan (feeney)

  8. math is important its everywherte and count money wink wink ill be rich

    Lisa ms.feeney

  9. I think its impotant to study math because you use math in your daily life for example when you go to the grocery store you have to make sure the cashier didnt rip you off and therefore you used addition and subtraction. I also think math is important because you need it for your job for example constructor you need to measure how long say a piece of wood. Thats why i think it is important to study math.

    By; Deanna

  10. I think you should study math because it will help you allot in future,it will also help you to count money and while your at the store you know what change your going to get back

  11. I think that we should study math because if you don't you won't even be able to answer a grade 3 math question. Also you will be stupid if you do not study math. Many people think that math is hard but really it is not hard. Math is used all around you. You also use math everyday. By: Sherryn (Mrs. Toshkezi)

  12. The main reason for studying mathematics to an advanced level is that it is interesting and enjoyable. People like its challenge, its clarity, and the fact that you know when you are right. The solution of a problem has an excitement and a satisfaction. You will find all these aspects in a university degree course by keith Ms Toshkezi

  13. Math is important because it will help with daily life! Taht guy gave up 16'000$ just for not knowing GRADE 3 MATH!
    -Jalen (Mrs. Toshkezi)

  14. Math is important in the world because as the videos said, we need it we need it anytime, anywhere. example, when we buy food and they give us change, we need to know if they gave us the right amount of change they might give less change than you actually need.

    by: Rose (Mrs. Toshkezi)

  15. Why is Math Important?
    1.It will help me in the future with my jobs.
    2.It will help me in a math test.
    3.Math will help me count me Hundreds

  16. Math is everywhere. You use math in your everyday lives. Whether calculating money,debts or homework. It is very important to know basic math;your times tables,adding,subtracting,dividing and multiplying. Learn math to help you add your debts! Math is important. Math is everywhere. It helps you and makes your life easier. Learn math it`ll get you somewhere.
    by:Rachel (Mrs. Toshkezi)

  17. I think that math is important. If you don't use math you won't be able to do a grade 3 math question. If you don't study math you might become stupid. You use math everyday. Math is used all around you. By:Sherryn (Mrs. Toshkazi)

  18. (Ms. Toshkazee)

    Studying math is very important because:

    ♥It helps you with your daily life, like buying something, so you know how much you will need.

    ♥When looking for a job you will need to know you math for jobs like, grocery store cashier, an accountant, and many more.

    ♥you can also use your learning to teach math in schools as a job

  19. kenny(mrs T) we should learn math because if you have to pay your bills you need to know how much money u will have left over

  20. I think we need it because we need to improve ourselves in our family and we can get a good job.

  21. I think that math is really helpful in your life because we may not know it but math is all around us. It is used to estimate how much players are in a baseball game and how much candy you need in serving to customers.
    By;: Shamar Morgan

  22. Men
    All need to learn math in there life. If you don't know anything about math have fun going to summer school or math camp all your life. Gervace Sy (Hunt)

  23. i think math is important because later in life were going to use it, in jobs, grocery shopping, creating an invention. and in specific its what we grow up with; age, calculating taxes, jobs,payment, paying other people, and to keep on track on dates and all lot more.
    -nikki from Ms.D'Alessandro

  24. i think that math is important, because without math you cant do any thing and in my opininon math is everywhere for example if your at a store buying something and you cant count your money and cashier gives you the wroung amount of change. this is why i think math is important.

  25. Math is important because it will help you greatly in life; it can help you get your dream job and have a good future, and without math, life wouldn't be as advanced as it is.

  26. I think that math is important because without it I would be getting ripped off all the time and I wouldn't be able to get a good/successful job. If I don't get a good job I wouldn't earn enough money to support my family when I get older. I would probably just live in my parents basement for the rest of my life, or just marry a rich man.
    -Nicole Soriano (Hunt)

  27. Math is very important.every day i hear people complain about math, i even complain about math but at the end of the day when i think about it math is a big part of our lives, without math do you think Albert Einstein would have made electricity he needed a lot of math skills but luckily he had them and that is why we have access to 24 hours electricity. every thing we do requires math believe it or not even the basic things we do has a connection with math for example eating when your eating you need to know the amount you can eat even paying for your food you have to know if the amount your paying is the right amount so you don't get cheated off. In the 21st century to get a job math strategies are required in every job for example if you're a construction worker you need to know if the size of your building is going to be good enough for the foundation of the building, To avoid the building collapsing. we all need to understand that our world was built with math and upon math and people should get more interest in it because no matter what you do or who you become you will need math to survive now and in the future.

  28. I think that math is important because you can learn so much. If you study and try your hardest in math then you will be successful and get a great job that you enjoy.
    rahel mrs d alessandro

  29. I think math is important because our world will not be the same with out it because we wouldn't be able to tell our correct change or time. In addition we won't be able to answer simple questions in math. Finally in school I don't want to do literacy all day during summer school. This is why it's important Dylan Bautista (Hunt)
