Friday, 18 July 2014


What was the best part of summer school for you!!! Explain


  1. My favorite part was the BBQ

  2. my favorite part was making new friends and learning.I really enjoyed summer school because it helped alot. thats all :)

  3. My favourite part of summer school was making a lot of new friends from other schools. And learning new math skills. Have a good summer everyone!! (:

  4. My favorite part was meeting new kids from other schools. I also enjoyed when we watched movies in Ms. lammana and got freezes from Ms. T. :)
    From Nanle

  5. In my opinion the best part about summer school is meeting new people and becoming friends with them. I met a lot of people in summer school, I also liked the part where we don't get homework for math. We watched a lot of movies and documentaries in literacy class. I hope we do this in Grade 8 too. Have a Great Summer Vacation!

  6. My Favourite part about summer school is the last day. And also meeting new people i met so many new people this year and it was really fun. But i also didnt really like the work.

  7. the best part of summer school was meeting new people and making new friends and going out for lunch with them and also getting treats from your teachers like freezies watching movies and getting candies (tnx ms Lamanna) BUT THE NOT SO GOOD PART IS THAT HALF MY SUMMER IS GONE :( but at least i learned some new thngs

  8. The best part of summer school was meeting new people ( who are know my friends). having new teachers like Ms. T and was my math teacher and Ms. l who was my language teacher........ -_-

  9. My favorite part about summer school would have to be meeting new friends.
    Also learning about math, and the new skills i have been learning with Mrs. T. Also i have been learning about language with Ms. Lamana and also learning new strategy's about language. Have a great summer. Nathaniel☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

  10. My favourite part of the summer school is that were gonna have BBQ on upcoming Tuesday, doing a photo story in the computer lab, and having free time in our class!

  11. My favorite part of summer school is that i learn a lot from math that i get an over view of grade 7 and that I would use the strategy that I've been taught and use it for my everyday life and it help me to focus more on math then before.
    From Matthew

  12. My favorite part of summer school is that i learn a lot from math that i get an over view of grade 7 and that I would use the strategy that I've been taught and use it for my everyday life and it help me to focus more on math then before.
    From Matthew

  13. My favorite part of summer school is the amount of new people i have meet because i like to make friends
    from javen

  14. My favorite part was that I made some new friends, going eat BBQ this Tuesday, and best of all I love my homeroom teacher and the computer lab and having free time!

  15. My favorite part of summer school was meeting new, hilarious classmates that shall not be named. Specifically a boy that starts with A, but you probably already know.


  16. My favourite part about summer school was making new friends


  17. freezie friday

  18. my favourite part of summer school was making awesome new friends
    like tafari, mercedes, and deanna and how could i forget alan

  19. My favourite part about summer school was making new friends.


  20. I did not really have a favorite part. Summer school was amazing with!!!!

    - Jamila

  21. My favorite part of summer school was making new friends!

  22. my favorite part of summer school was making new friends like Tafari, Mercedes, and Deanna and who could forget Alan....

  23. My favorite part about was meeting new friends and friends that you haven't seen in a while


  24. My favorite part about summer school was meeting new friends,also some funny people and doing a photo story in computer lab,and also free time in our class!

    From:Joshua Joseph

  25. My favourite part about summer school was making new friends and having free time


  26. What I like about summer school was that, I see new people and it's fun to make new friends you lean new things every day in school. You see new teachers and summer school is fun.

  27. My favorite part of summer school was hanging out with my friends during break


  28. Hello. My favourite part of summer school was learning different strategies for math and meeting new people from different schools. I also liked the teachers because they are nice and fun to be with.


  29. Hi, My name is Trisha. My favourite part about summer school is that I get to learn new things, new strategies, meet new friends, talk to people I've never talk to and earn more confidence.

  30. My best part of summer school for me is that I like going to the computer lab every weekdays. I also like to meet new teachers and new vice - principals at Jean Vanier. It was the best day of my life here in summer school of Jean Vanier.

  31. My favourite part of summer school was meeting new friends and improving my math skills by finding easier ways to fiqure out the problem.

  32. My favorite thing about summer school is going to the chinese restaurant and getting food for 5 dollars off, and a free drink.


  33. My favorite part of summer school was meeting new people.

  34. My favourite thing about summer school is meeting new friends and learning more about literacy because I'm not that good at grammar.

  35. My favorite part of summer school was meeting new friends,going to computer lab everyday and learning new things in literacy and improving my math skills.
    (Rachel D.)

  36. The best part of summer school was Meeting new Friends and have the Best teachers(Ms.Lamanna,Ms.T,Mr.Mean,Ms.B)Adriel

  37. My favorite part of summer school is meeting new friends and learning more about math because that is my worst subject ever. :)


  38. My favorite thing about summer school is meeting great friends and learning over the summer to keep you brain fresh for grade eight.

  39. My favorite thing about summer school was meeting new friends and making great new memories.

